Olney Nursery School

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About Olney Nursery School

Name Olney Nursery School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Olney Church Hall, High Street, Olney, Buckinghamshire, MK46 4AA
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Sessional day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority MiltonKeynes
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive at the nursery with high energy and enthusiasm.

Staff greet them warmly and support their learning effectively from the start. The curriculum is well thought out and the daily routine ensures that every moment of children's time at the nursery is productive. There is a strong focus on developing children's literacy and communication and language skills.

Children learn traditional nursery rhymes, and staff expand on their speech and language well. Children are confident talkers and ask thought-provoking questions, such as 'What would happen if we didn't have bones?' Staff spend time explaining to childre...n and building on their understanding, especially for children who speak English as an additional language. Staff find effective ways for children to test out their mathematical knowledge.

In the garden, children play in the role-play farm shop. There are price lists for fruit and vegetables so children can practise simple addition as they 'shop'. Activities encourage children to learn about healthy eating.

The newly acquired allotment provides an opportunity for children to grow produce, and the regular cookery class develops children's awareness of healthy foods. Staff are successful in weaving numerous learning opportunities into stimulating activities. Through developing their knowledge and teaching skills, staff are beginning to step back and have confidence in children's ability to lead their own learning.

As a result, children are becoming curious and ambitious individuals who demonstrate a thirst for learning. Accompanied by their excellent behaviour, children are developing the essential dispositions and attitudes they need to be competent learners in the future.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

There has been an extensive transformation of the nursery since the last inspection.

The manager has embraced change and accepted support and mentoring to improve the curriculum and overall experiences for children. This has been hugely beneficial for children's learning. The curriculum is extremely well planned and the manager is now reviewing and fine tuning practice to ensure that the nursery can build on its good progress.

Support for children's literacy is particularly good at the nursery. The revamped book corner offers children different ways to hear and tell stories. They develop a love of books, recognising characters and talking about information they learn.

Children practise their early mark making. As children become older, they are competent at sounding out letters, and staff encourage their desire to write simple words. All children at the nursery make rapid progress, with staff adapting the curriculum to meet their individual age and stage of development.

Parents now have much greater involvement in their children's learning. There is a wealth of information shared with parents about the curriculum and how they can support their children's progress. Parents stay and play at the nursery where they become hands-on with activities and talk with staff about how children learn.

When children attend other early years settings, staff do not readily share the wealth of information they know about children to help provide them with continuity in their learning.Group times sustain children's interest and they concentrate intently. During this time, staff embed the rules and expectations for children.

The children show that they know and understand these, which helps them to behave well.Staff know children well and find out about their home lives and experiences. This enables them to prepare for children's learning and development and to keep them safe.

The nursery staff have improved security measures and supervise children closely. This gives children freedom to explore and take manageable risks themselves.Key-person relationships are highly successful.

Staff are kind and nurturing with children. The children snuggle up with staff and develop warm and trusting relationships with them.Relationships with parents are highly productive.

Parents speak enthusiastically about how well children progress in their development after attending the nursery. Parents discuss how they feel the nursery encourages a sense of community for children, who enjoy regular trips around their local area.The manager's capacity to evolve and develop the nursery motivates and inspires the staff team.

All staff have embraced change, being willing to adopt new concepts and approaches. Staff know their strengths and take on additional responsibilities for planning and delivering different aspects of the curriculum. They receive good support to develop professionally and are ambitious about expanding on their already good qualifications and experience.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: continue to build on the very strong foundations and curriculum development to sustain the good quality of care and education for children nexchange more information about children's learning with the other settings that they attend to help to provide them with greater continuity.

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