Munchkins Sports St Dunstan’s College Holiday Camp

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About Munchkins Sports St Dunstan’s College Holiday Camp

Name Munchkins Sports St Dunstan’s College Holiday Camp
Address St. Dunstans College, Stanstead Road, LONDON, SE6 4TY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lewisham
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children demonstrate that they feel happy, safe and secure at the holiday club. They benefit from the relaxed, fun-filled atmosphere, where they have multiple opportunities to learn new skills.

Children have fun at the club with each other and the friendly and engaged staff team. There are several sessions planned throughout the day and the children confidently and eagerly move from each activity. They know and understand rules well because the staff team have created a number of rules that flow between games.

Even the youngest children follow the principles of play, which helps them to enjoy sports from an early age. Staf...f provide children with lots of emotional support to promote their well-being. Children are clear about what is expected of them.

They receive lots of purposeful praise from nurturing staff. In turn, the passionate staff are supported well by the senior leadership team. They are given regular breaks away from the children in order to recharge for the next sports sessions, ensuring they deliver high-quality coaching sessions.

There are multiple opportunities to be calm and still with a well-designed routine, especially for the youngest children. This allows them time for free play and rest. Time is factored into each day to spend time reading, playing with a range of age-appropriate resources and enjoying arts and crafts.

Children can make decisions on what they would like to do during the sessions. This supports their confidence and independence.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Procedures for keeping children safe are clear, and staff know and understand their responsibilities.

The extensive premises are risk assessed regularly and staff expertly guide children around the large grounds between each activity. The children regularly sing funny songs during the transition, which helps them to remain focused and listen to the instructions.The manager and the staff regularly reflect on their practice so they can monitor what is working well at the club.

They make good use of staff supervision to review practice and how it can be improved. Staff talk about the support they receive from the manager. They say that they can go to her for help and support at any time.

Staff appreciate the encouraging verbal feedback they receive.Children care for each other. Staff are responsive to their needs and are excellent role models.

Staff respond quickly when children need them, and children feel valued and listened to. This helps them to develop their social and emotional skills. Children learn to negotiate and take turns during play.

Children confidently talk about their experiences at the club. Children say that they look forward to coming to see their friends and that there are always exciting things to do. They excitedly talk about things they do at the club that they may not do at home, such as parachute games.

For example, they discuss if they were the 'cat' or the 'mouse' and laugh with each other when they remember that they caught the 'mouse'.The managers and staff team build strong and positive relationships with parents. This includes regular information sharing and gathering feedback.

Children often return to the club during each holiday period and there are many sibling groups attending. Children are encouraged to connect with their siblings during the day.A rich variety of lessons are available, such as swimming, hockey and tennis.

Staff ensure that children are exposed to a variety of activities with a focus on introducing healthy attitudes to sports. Children were observed dribbling balls and practising hand-eye coordination when connecting the bat and ball. They delight in learning principles of healthy competition and team work.

Staff promote children's independence well. Children quickly follow instructions, getting their own lunch boxes and sitting down for lunch. They help their friends and happily chat about what they have got.

Children understand that some children cannot eat what they eat and, therefore, follow the rules of not sharing food.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

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