Munchkin Sports Poverest Primary School Holiday Camp

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About Munchkin Sports Poverest Primary School Holiday Camp

Name Munchkin Sports Poverest Primary School Holiday Camp
Address Poverest Primary School, Church Hill Wood, ORPINGTON, BR5 2JD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bromley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children have great fun at the holiday club. They arrive smiling and the friendly staff greet them warmly.

Children find their friends and quickly settle down to play or chat with them. They display confidence and independence. They choose what they want to play with during the 'free time' periods.

Children show a good awareness of their physical needs. They bring a healthy packed lunch and snacks to the club each day. They know to drink plenty of water and eat nutritious food to give them energy for the day's activities.

Children thoroughly enjoy being active and relish the opportunities to play outdoors. For exa...mple, they ask staff if they can run around the large field again before going inside for a snack.Children are aware of the staff's high expectations and follow the behavioural boundaries.

Children demonstrate they know about the club rules, which help to keep them safe. They speak out confidently during their group meetings with staff each morning. Children remind each other they must stay with the staff, wash their hands before eating and not share their food.

They listen to the staff as they move around the club between activities and their behaviour is very good.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders speak of the provision as 'the children's club'. They ensure children can share their views.

In response to children's comments, leaders have changed the way staff organise activities. They are more flexible and there is more choice of what to play with. They say this helps children stay highly engaged throughout the day.

Parents speak positively about the club and report their children are enthusiastic about coming. They say staff keep them well informed about their children's time and what they have taken part in each day. Children comment they enjoy attending.

They like making new friends and trying out the exciting sports and activities.Staff are positive role models for children and approach all activities with great energy and enthusiasm. This encourages children to join in and motivates them to try hard.

For example, children eagerly take part in a variety of throwing activities. They practise hard and beam with pleasure as they begin to throw further and more accurately. They are proud as they develop and improve their skills.

Leaders effectively supervise staff to help continually develop their professional skills. They regularly observe staff as they work with children, and encourage them to reflect on what they can do better. Leaders provide guidance and training to help staff achieve their professional goals.

Staff promote active and healthy lifestyles for children extremely well. Children spend a lot of time outdoors engaged in vigorous exercise, which supports their physical health and well-being.Children are friendly and sociable and treat others with kindness and respect.

For instance, children cheer each other on during races and team games. They chat together amiably at mealtimes and share resources fairly during play.Children use their active imaginations as they create decorations for 'spooky Friday'.

They concentrate intently and think hard about which craft materials they will use. Children describe how they can make their creations even more scary by adding features, such as sharp teeth.Staff make effective use of quieter times to talk to children.

They encourage discussions about children's families, lives and experiences. This helps to build on children's understanding of different people and communities.Staff ensure there are times when children can rest and eat throughout the day.

They encourage children to drink water regularly, to help them remain hydrated. Staff are sensitive to children's needs and will adapt the daily routines. For instance, if children become tired, staff will offer them a quieter activity, such as story time.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a clear understanding of the club's safeguarding procedures. They know how to identify the signs of child abuse, such as physical marks or changes in children's behaviour.

Staff know what to do if they are worried about a child's welfare. They understand the procedures to follow should there be a concern or an allegation made about a member of staff. Leaders ensure that managers and staff receive regular training to update their knowledge of safeguarding matters.

This includes wider issues, such as the risks of radicalisation and online abuse. The provider carries out robust checks when recruiting staff, to help ensure that they are suitable to work with children. Staff use risk assessments effectively to provide a safe and hygienic environment for children.

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