Munchkin Sports Parish C Of E Primary School Holiday Camp

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About Munchkin Sports Parish C Of E Primary School Holiday Camp

Name Munchkin Sports Parish C Of E Primary School Holiday Camp
Website http://_Nursery
Address Parish C Of E Primary School, London Lane, Bromley, Kent, BR1 4HF
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bromley
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time at this setting. They receive a warm welcome from staff on arrival and, overall, quickly adjust to the club's routines. Children form new friendships and socialise in wider groups.

They build positive relationships with staff, who offer high levels of support and encouragement as children take part in activities. Those children who are new to the club receive close attention from staff, when they need emotional support. Children's individual needs are met well and they are supervised effectively.

Staff encourage children to do things for themselves, such as putting on their coats before... outdoor activities. Children get extra help, when needed, from attentive staff.Staff consider children's different development needs well.

They implement challenging activities for children effectively. Children have plenty of opportunities to move their bodies in different ways throughout the day. They behave very well.

Children show that that they understand club rules, which are reinforced by staff at the start of each day. Children listen and follow instructions, such as when they participate in relay races and enthusiastically navigate various obstacles. Children receive very good support to develop their physical skills and they gain confidence in their abilities.

Children communicate in positive ways with each other and with staff. They show that they are proud of their achievements, which are consistently acknowledged by motivated staff.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders are ambitious for children and have high expectations of staff.

They have good arrangements to monitor and evaluate the club. For example, leaders take account of feedback from staff, to successfully make changes in the way they now implement activities. This contributes well to children's positive and enjoyable experiences.

Leaders implement procedures effectively to help to maintain children's safety and health. For example, staff check that children's packed lunches are safe and nutritious. The club manager agrees care plans with parents and shares important information with staff.

The club manager supports staff effectively, including as they implement activities. He uses his knowledge well to further enhance the skills of his staff. For example, the club manager provides staff with regular and focused feedback about their professional practice.

Staff use the information they gather from parents about children effectively. They implement inclusive activities that children enjoy and engage with. Staff work together well and share their observations of children's development, skills and responses.

This helps staff to accurately assess how to plan future sessions.Children have great fun at the club. They understand what is expected of them in fun ways.

For example, they call out and remember important club rules. Children meet new friends and build lasting friendships. However, some children would benefit from a stronger key-person approach to help them adjust to the club's routines.

Staff support children to build their independence. For example, they teach children how to put on their coats. Staff encourage children to manage their physical needs, such as reminding them to bring drinking bottles to active play sessions.

Children join activities enthusiastically. They develop their physical skills and work together well, such as during tug of war games. Children focus well and show determination as they practise how to dribble a ball.

Children celebrate their achievements and those of their friends. Staff support children to develop the positive attitudes that they need for future success.Parents comment positively about the opportunities for their children to socialise and make friends.

They appreciate the range of activities that children enjoy. Parents speak highly of the consistent leadership and the welcome that their children receive.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and staff update their safeguarding knowledge. They understand how to recognise and respond to potential risks to children, including possible exposure to substance misuse. Leaders and staff have a good understanding of local child protection procedures.

They are aware of the roles of relevant agencies. Leaders work effectively with others, including school staff, to help to keep children safe. Staff show that they implement procedures, such as dealing with accidents and administering medication, effectively.

They know how to respond in a medical emergency. Leaders follow safer recruitment guidance. They have appropriate arrangements to check the initial and ongoing suitability of staff.

Also at this postcode
Stagecoach Bromley Parish Church of England Primary School

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