Little Tinkers Day Care Limited

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About Little Tinkers Day Care Limited

Name Little Tinkers Day Care Limited
Ofsted Inspections
Address Norbury Hall Primary School, Shepley Drive, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheshire, SK7 6LE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Stockport
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is good • Caring and supportive staff have developed strong bonds with children. Children arrive at the club happy, settled and eager to socialise with staff and their friends. They talk enthusiastically about their favourite things to do while at the club, such as 'playing cricket' and 'making domino trails'.

• Partnerships with the host school are very positive. Staff work closely with teachers to gather information about what children are learning at school. They provide a good selection of activities and experiences at the club that meet children's needs and complement their learning.

• Staff work in effective partnership with parents to promote consis...tency of care. They gather comprehensive information about children's interests, likes, dislikes and needs when they first start. This helps staff to get to know children well from the very beginning.

• The manager and staff work well together to evaluate the effectiveness of the club and reflect on their practice. They actively seek the views of those who use the club to plan for further development. Parents and the headteacher speak positively about the club.

They say the club has 'become an integral part of the school'. • The manager consistently promotes children's safety. She implements robust procedures for collecting children from school.

For example, she provides staff and teachers with up-to-date attendance information to ensure children's transition to the club is well managed and safe. • During the after school session, staff do not organise the routine to maximum effect so that children have full access to the range of resources on their arrival. • Staff do not continuously provide children with a comfortable space in which to rest, relax and enjoy quieter activities following their day at school.

Also at this postcode
PSCL - Norbury Hall Primary School Norbury Hall Primary School

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