Langtoft Pre-School

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About Langtoft Pre-School

Name Langtoft Pre-School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Langtoft Sports Pavillion, Manor Close, Langtoft, PETERBOROUGH, PE6 9NB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lincolnshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

Summary of key findings for parents

This provision is good • The management team has made several positive changes since the last inspection. Staff have attended training to secure their understanding of wider safeguarding issues.

This promotes children's safety and welfare. • The manager monitors how well individual and groups of children are achieving. This helps her to efficiently identify any gaps in children's learning that may emerge and to address these swiftly.

For example, further activities are provided for children to extend their literacy skills, particularly for boys. • The manager gathers feedback from parents about the service they receive. She values their comments and makes changes to the ...provision to improve outcomes for children.

For example, a new 'bug hotel' in the garden creates experiences for children to learn about the natural environment. • Staff actively promote positive behaviour. They remind children of the rules and boundaries.

Children know what is expected of them. They confidently say that they must not push others because it hurts and they might fall over. • Staff support children's communication and language skills effectively.

For example, they ask children a good range of questions and introduce new words, such as 'metamorphose', to extend their vocabulary. Children understand what the word means and say that it is when a caterpillar develops into a butterfly. • Children reach typical levels of development for their age.

• Staff do not share detailed information with all parents about children's learning and how they can extend this further at home. • Staff gather information about what children know and can do when they first start. However, they do not use this information swiftly enough to help plan for children's learning from the very start of their placement.

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