Junior Adventures Group @ Woodmansterne SW16

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About Junior Adventures Group @ Woodmansterne SW16

Name Junior Adventures Group @ Woodmansterne SW16
Address Woodmansterne School, Woodmansterne Road, London, SW16 5UQ
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Lambeth
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children are extremely well settled in this welcoming, safe environment.

They chat among friends during a social snack time as they develop friendships. The enthusiastic staff support children to join activities that incorporate sports and creativity. Children show their imagination as they create masterpieces from construction toys.

Adults are sensitive to children, and understand the importance of their creations. They help them display pieces safely, so they can showcase them at the end of the day.Independence is encouraged throughout the club, through self-help and hygiene skills.

Children access their own dri...nks when needed and collect snacks from their bags. They are free to choose activities or join in with group games. This supports their growing confidence.

Children learn and play cooperatively using a parachute, developing their knowledge of colours, numbers and spatial awareness. They play energetically as they run under the parachute and work together in a ball game.Children behave extremely well.

Adults model respectful language and talk to children attentively. Older children are helpful to younger children during routine times. Younger children confidently talk and explain their wants and needs, showing they feel safe and secure at the club.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

There are a multitude of activities on offer that incorporate sports. Children develop their physical skills as they run, jump and navigate space. They learn about rules and follow helpful instructions.

This supports children with their listening and understanding skills. Children develop teamwork and coordination skills as they play a team tag game. The club works hard to support children's understanding of concepts around winning and losing.

Children understand that taking part is important and that winning is a team effort.Leaders support staff well. They ensure they have access to a training platform and regular supervisions.

They observe interactions frequently and offer suggestions on how to improve practice. This ensures children's developmental needs continue to be met. Staff have clear roles and responsibilities within the club.

They work collaboratively together, and explain how much they enjoy working with the children. This means children receive high-quality experiences.The club have a whole child approach to activities.

Staff put a high emphasis on including all children in games. They adapt activities to meet the individual needs of children. For example, they give younger children the responsibility of counting to start games.

They use cones to create boundaries, so they can follow the rules of the game correctly. Staff ensure they repeat instructions and talk at children's levels at all times. They support children's developing language, incorporating words, such as 'vigilant', when talking to children about managing their own safety.

Staff carefully supervise children during activities and snack times. They take the time to check children's snacks and their ingredients. This supports good allergy and dietary management.

They talk to children about healthy meal choices and encourage them to drink water regularly. Children are reminded how to keep themselves safe consistently. They know when it is safe to run, when they should walk and how to line up correctly.

The club has established good relationships with parents. They use an online platform to gather information about children before they start. This information ensures activities reflect children's interests.

They communicate information about what children have been doing at the club, and share important updates through an app. They send out regular surveys and use responses to make further improvements.Leaders are reflective of the club.

They ensure that staff are able to feedback regularly. This includes reviewing activities in the moment and at the end of sessions, discussing what went well and any changes that can be made. They talk to children about what they have enjoyed.

This feedback is then used to help design activities offered in the future.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.The club have robust safer recruitment measures in place.

They ensure that these measures continue when checking the ongoing suitability of staff. Leaders and staff have good safeguarding knowledge and understand reporting procedures for any concerns about a child or adult. This includes wider knowledge relating to radicalisation and county lines.

The staff complete regular checks on the premises to ensure they are safe, and include children in risk assessing their own play. They have secure measures for monitoring access to the building. This ensures children continue to be kept safe.

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