Great Chart After School Club

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About Great Chart After School Club

Name Great Chart After School Club
Address Great Chart Primary School, Hoxton Close, Ashford, Kent, TN23 5LB
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children thoroughly enjoy their time at the after-school club.

On arrival, they are excited to see the staff and eager to start playing with their friends. Staff are warm and welcoming, which successfully supports children to feel safe and secure. Staff know the children in their care well and have strong bonds with them.

The youngest children are allocated a key person, which supports them to settle and assures their emotional well-being. Children have fun and play well together. For example, children of mixed ages spend a long time engaged in a school role-play activity.

Children enjoy the exciting environment. ...Staff plan a range of indoor and outdoor activities that meet children's needs, such as building a marble run and playing hide and seek. Activities are fully inclusive so that all children, including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities, can participate.

Staff involve children in the planning of activities and rotate resources regularly. This helps to keep children interested and motivated to attend the club.Staff have high expectations of children and give consistent messages about behaviour.

Children are very confident, polite and well-mannered. For example, they confidently introduce themselves to visitors and welcome them to the club.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Staff positively support children to lead a healthy lifestyle.

For example, children have plenty of opportunities to play outdoors. This enables them to run off excess energy at the end of the school day and benefit from fresh air. Additionally, children enjoy a range of nutritious fruit and vegetables for snack.

Staff provide a range of experiences to support children to enhance their physical skills. For example, children enjoy playing football and balancing on beams in the school playground.Children attend to their own personal needs and staff encourage them to be independent.

For example, they choose what activities they would like to play with and lead their own play. However, occasionally, staff undertake tasks that children could do for themselves, such as preparing food at mealtimes. This means children's independence is not always fully promoted.

Staff help children to learn about rules and boundaries, which are consistent with those of the school that the children attend. For instance, children and staff have written a set of values together, which children are encouraged to follow when at the club. Children listen carefully to adults and respond positively to their requests.

For example, they willingly tidy away resources and help set the table at mealtimes.Staff are positive role models and encourage children to respect each other. For example, they gently remind children to say 'please' and 'thank you' at appropriate times.

Staff use a range of strategies, such as points for the quietest table, to encourage children's social skills.Staff deployment is effective and ensures that children are always closely supervised. Additionally, this means staff are available to support children when needed.

For example, they hold children's hands to help them walk along a low wall, which helps to promote children's confidence and self-esteem.Staff, including the manager, feel well supported by the leadership team. They attend regular supervision meetings, where they discuss their workload and well-being.

The manager monitors staff's performance to help her identify any areas for improvement, which helps to promote consistently strong practice.Parents are extremely happy with the service the after-school club provides. They comment about how well their children are looked after and how impressed they are with the many opportunities that their children enjoy.

Staff update parents daily about what their children have done at the club. Furthermore, parents are kept fully informed about activities and any changes through a regular newsletter.Partnerships with the on-site school are strong and effective.

Staff at the club and the school work together to ensure continuity of care and consistency for children. For example, they share information about children's individual needs, such as Educational Health Care Plans, to help provide children with best possible care.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Leaders and the manager ensure that staff complete regular safeguarding training to keep their knowledge and understanding of child protection up to date. All staff know the signs that a child may be at risk of abuse and neglect. They understand the processes to follow if they have concerns about children or adults.

This includes the agencies to contact should there be an allegation against a staff member. Staff complete daily checks of the environment to help identify and minimise potential risk for children. Additionally, they work in close partnership with the on-site school to ensure that the premises are safe and secure for children to play in.

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