Future Stars Coaching at Hillcrest Primary School

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About Future Stars Coaching at Hillcrest Primary School

Name Future Stars Coaching at Hillcrest Primary School
Address Hillcrest Primary School, Cemetery Road, Bristol, Somerset, BS4 3DE
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Bristol
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children enjoy the time they spend at this friendly and welcoming club.

They settle quickly as staff meet them at the entrance and lead them to the club base rooms. Staff urge children to be independent and make their own choices within the club. Children show positive attitudes towards their play and learning.

They engage well with the variety of activities on offer. Children have opportunities to express their creativity and imagination. They use different material to build their own crafts or decorate their drawing.

Staff make good use of the ample space available to set up physical activities. This helps child...ren to be energetic, both indoors and outdoors. Children enjoy running, jumping and playing with cones and hula hoops.

Children are happy and safe. They behave and interact well with staff and their peers. They practise turn taking while they line up before they start playing a game.

Staff support children's needs and give them instructions before they take part in an activity. They guide younger children and children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). They remind them of the expected behaviour or stay by their side when it is their turn to join in.

Staff embrace teamwork. They offer board games and encourage children to cooperate with their peers and work as a team.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders and staff of the club are positive role models and dedicated to their roles.

They communicate well with each other and keep children always within their sight. Staff use a walkie-talkie system to ask for help or share information. For example, when a child has an accident, staff use this way of communication to ask for a first-aid kit or an ice pack.

Children show their good manners. Staff have high expectations for children. They promote respect and kindness to everyone.

This means that children know and understand the boundaries in place. Children of different ages play harmoniously together.Children busy themselves in a range of activities staff set up for them.

Staff plan physical activities and games. They separate children in groups before outdoor play according to their age. Young children enjoy playing various versions of tag by using coloured cones.

Older children compete with their peers during group games.Partnerships with parents and carers are good. Parents describe staff as very friendly and caring.

They appreciate the care that their children receive. They say that the children are happy to attend. During drop off, there is a notice board at the main gate showing the activities of the day.

Parents find this very helpful.Leaders and staff create a calm and focused environment. Children can relax and enjoy themselves.

Staff are careful to meet the individual needs of children, particularly those with SEND. For example, children with SEND want to be close to specific familiar people. Thus, staff make sure that children play alongside others who they feel comfortable with.

Leaders and staff get to know children very well from the start. They collect detailed information about them before they start attending the club. They ask parents and carers to complete forms if they would like to add any new information about their child on the day.

Leaders reinforce staff to develop their practice. Staff make the most of training opportunities and share good practice. They observe each other to identify areas for improvement.

Staff attend supervision meetings with leaders. Leaders support them by setting up plans and promoting their professional development.The main leader of the club holds a responsible role to organise and keep everyone informed.

In the morning, he arranges time to talk to staff and children about the structure of the day. The leader makes everyone aware of any important information for the day ahead.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The leaders and staff demonstrate a secure knowledge of safeguarding practices and how to keep children safe in their care. Leaders take effective steps to keep staff's safeguarding knowledge up to date. Staff receive training to ensure they can fulfil their safeguarding roles.

They are aware of the possible signs that could indicate when a child is at risk and know the correct procedure to follow if they have any concerns about a child. There is an effective system in place of signing in and out children who attend the club. The premises are safe, clean and well organised.

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