Earlyworld Nursery

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About Earlyworld Nursery

Name Earlyworld Nursery
Ofsted Inspections
Address Stafford Court, Stafford Park, Telford, Shropshire, TF3 3BD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority TelfordandWrekin
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is inadequate

Leaders do not maintain the correct staffing qualification requirements across the setting at all times to ensure that staff have the skills and knowledge to support children's learning effectively. The quality of teaching and learning that children receive is inconsistent and at times very weak.

This is because most staff do not think well enough about the intention of activities and how they can use this to build on what children already know and can do. Some staff also do not notice when children require additional support while they access activities. In addition, although staff develop plans for children with special... educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), they do not consistently implement these plans in practice.

These weaknesses impact on children's ability to fully thrive in their development. Despite many weaknesses, staff offer children cuddles when they become upset. This generally helps them to settle.

Some staff provide sensory activities for children to explore, such as dough. Older children state that they like to play outside. They play cooperatively with their peers as they attempt to play catch.

The strategies in place to manage children's behaviour differ according to their age and stage of development. Staff praise the children for what they do well. They also remind children of the rules where required.

This helps children to start to understand what is expected of them. Children behave well.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Leaders do not ensure that the setting remains compliant.

Consequently, the overall quality of the setting has declined since its last inspection. Due to recent changes in staffing, leaders do not ensure that the there are enough qualified members of staff in each room. Those working with babies have not received specific training to address the care of babies.

Leaders do not ensure that all complaints are dealt with and responded to within the correct timescales. They demonstrate poor knowledge of the types of information that must be given to parents, which includes ensuring that parents and/or carers are supplied with copies of policies and procedures upon request. Leaders also are not able to locate some records.

This does not ensure the safe and efficient management of the setting.Although leaders have developed a curriculum which is tailored to meet the different ages and stages of development, staff do not effectively implement this across the setting. Consequently, most staff do not ensure that the learning experiences they provide for the children fully meet their individual needs.

This impacts on the progress children are able to make in their development.The support in place for children with SEND is poor. Although staff observe and assess children's development to identify gaps in their learning or to make referrals to other professionals, they do not follow these plans or targets effectively.

This means that children with SEND do not consistently receive the right level of support they require to flourish.The quality of teaching that children receive is poor. Although some staff read stories or sing rhymes with lots of expression, most staff do not notice when children stop engaging or support them to join in.

This means that some children can spend considerable periods of time unengaged.The focus of supervisions is not concentrated enough on improving or raising the quality of teaching and learning children receive. In addition, although some staff have access to training, they do not fully utilise what they have learned from training to help improve their overall performance.

That said, staff speak positively about how leaders support their well-being. They state that they have regular meetings with leaders about their practice.There are effective arrangements in place to check the identity of visitors and parents before they gain entry to the setting.

Staff and leaders work well in partnership with other professionals if they become concerned about a child's welfare or a member of staff's suitability. Staff have sound knowledge of safer sleeping practice.Parents comment positively about the setting.

They share that their children are settled. Staff ask parents to complete forms which contain key information about each child. This includes information about children's medical and dietary requirements and interests.

Staff provide parents with daily feedback and pictures about what their child has done while at the setting. Parents state that they are kept informed of their child's progress and ways they can support their child at home.Staff wash children's hands before meals.

They also provide children with meals and snacks throughout the day, which are balanced. Meals offered to children are catered to meet their individual dietary requirements.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To meet the requirements of the early years foundation stage and Childcare Register the provider must: Due date implement effective complaints procedures to ensure that all complaints are fully investigated and provide an outcome to all complainants within a timely manner 05/04/2024 improve knowledge of the types of information that must be given to parents and/or carers, which includes providing them with copies of policies and procedures upon request 05/04/2024 keep and maintain records to ensure the safe and efficient management of the setting and ensure these are easily accessible 05/04/2024 ensure the correct staffing qualification requirements are met at all times 05/04/2024 ensure that at least half of all staff who work with babies have attended training that specifically addresses the care of babies 05/04/2024 improve the arrangements for children with SEND to ensure they consistently receive the right level of support they require to enable them to fully thrive 05/04/2024 ensure that all staff have opportunities to undertake appropriate training and support them to utilise this knowledge with an aim to improve their overall effectiveness 05/04/2024 improve the arrangements for supervisions to ensure staff receive effective levels of coaching and support to ensure the experiences on offer to all children continually improve over time.05/04/2024 improve staff's knowledge and implementation of the curriculum in order to raise outcomes for all children 03/05/2024 improve the use of planning to ensure that activities are tailored specifically to meet each child's individual needs and support them to build on what they already know and can do.


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