Daffodils Playsafe Club

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About Daffodils Playsafe Club

Name Daffodils Playsafe Club
Address St. Davids School, 23-25 Woodcote Valley Road, PURLEY, Surrey, CR8 3AL
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Croydon
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Staff arrive early to set up areas to create a welcoming, fun environment for children. Children arrive happy and ready to enjoy their time at the club.

They are eager to join in the activities on offer because the staff take into account their interests. Staff are proactive in talking to the children about the planning and activities to ensure they have their views taken into account. Children's creativity and imagination is fostered as they take part in creative activities.

For example, they create intricate origami and colourful works of art at the well-resourced art table. Children's imagination is fostered as they bui...ld structures with bricks and dress the dolls up to take on imaginary journeys. Staff are good role models and have high expectations of children's behaviour.

They have meaningful conversations with children, who are encouraged to listen to one another's views and opinions. Children demonstrate good manners, are polite and behaviour is good. Staff have developed effective partnerships with the school.

They promote successful two-way communication to share information at the end of the school day. Children's emotional well-being in the club is a priority. Staff enquire as to how the children are feeling during group activities.

This provides children with the opportunity to express their feelings and emotions. Those that express feelings of unhappiness or sadness are reassured, comforted, and provided with the opportunity to talk to staff if they need.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

There is an appropriate key-person system in place for the younger children to ensure their emotional and care needs are met.

Staff support children's move between the club and school well. However, information relating to early years children's interests is not obtained in a timely fashion to further support them to transition into the club.Children's mathematical knowledge is encouraged as they create a range of three- and two-dimensional models with magnetic shapes.

Older children are keen to talk about how much they enjoy their time at the club. They comment that 'they like that they have a space to do their homework' and 'the food is tasty'. Children have good relationships with staff and each other.

Older children readily take on responsibilities and everyday tasks, such as completing the register under adult supervision.Staff ensure that children have the opportunity to access fresh air and exercise during the session. For example, children enjoy outdoor activities, such as role play and team games.

They also have access to the school's fixed equipment to further develop and enhance their physical development.Staff strategically place themselves at activities and consistently involve children in meaningful and interesting conversations. These opportunities encourage positive interactions between children and promote their communication skills.

For instance, they talk about how their day has been and their favourite subjects. Staff value children's responses, which encourages children to find their voice and be confident communicators.Children are encouraged to have a positive attitude to a healthy lifestyle.

They take part in regular hygiene practices after messy play and before eating. Children's well-being is further promoted as they are provided with healthy meals at teatime. They make healthy choices as they self-serve pasta and select cucumbers and peppers.

Staff encourage children to regularly drink water, which is available at all times.There is a good relationship between the club and the school. For example, the club liaises with the teachers to ascertain details of their curriculum, so they can reflect it in their planning.

This helps to promote consistency in children's play.Children enjoy messy play. For example, staff provide them with opportunities to create and play with cloud dough.

They delight as they access dried rice and paint and observe the colour change as they mix the contents together. The staff explain to the children how the colour changes as all the colours blend together.Staff have regular access to training to develop their practice.

Managers monitor staff practice and give feedback via supervision and meetings. The management team are proactive in evaluating the club to ensure ongoing improvement.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

The management team implement a thorough recruitment and induction procedure. This supports them to check that staff are suitable to work with children and ensure staff understand their roles and responsibilities. Staff assess risks effectively and are deployed well to ensure children are supervised closely, both inside and in the playground.

The manager and staff have a good knowledge of their responsibility to safeguard children. They are aware of the signs and symptoms that could indicate a child is at risk of harm. Staff demonstrate an understanding of what to do if there are concerns and who to report to.

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