Amesbury After School Kids Club

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About Amesbury After School Kids Club

Name Amesbury After School Kids Club
Address Amesbury Sports Centre, Holders Road, Amesbury, SALISBURY, SP4 7PW
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Out-of day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Wiltshire
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

This provision meets requirements Children have good relationships with staff and arrive happy to attend the club. They demonstrate high levels of confidence and independence as they serve themselves a healthy and nutritious tea.

Children happily engage in discussions with their friends and are keen to take part in the broad range of activities that staff provide. For example, they take it in turns when playing a board games or use their imagination well as they build with construction.Staff create a warm and welcoming environment, where children are settled and behave well.

Children of all ages play cooperatively, sharing resources and taking turns. They ...enjoy playing outside, benefiting from fresh air and exercise and develop good physical skills. Children enjoy a range of craft and making activities, such as animal masks.

They skilfully use scissors to cut out the animal's face and use a range of resources, such as glue, feathers and string to decorate. This helps them to develop their imagination and creativity. Staff are good role models and have clear and consistent expectations for children's behaviour.

They manage children's behaviour consistently and encourage them to be polite and well mannered.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children thrive in the relaxing and nurturing environment. They thoroughly enjoy meeting with their peers and talking with the staff.

They enthusiastically engage in activities, which complement their day at school well.Staff encourage children to be independent and support them to understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Children put their belongings away as they arrive at the club and follow good hygiene routines before eating their tea.

They choose if they want to play inside or outside and develop positive attitudes. Older children welcome younger ones to join in with their games and play. This helps children feel settled and gives them a strong sense of belonging.

Partnerships with parents are good. Parents are very happy with the service they receive. Those spoken to confirmed that their children like attending the club and staff ensure that the children and their families feel welcome.

Staff know the children well. They understand their individual personalities, including their likes and dislikes. This helps staff plan a wide range of activities, which they know will interest the children and that they will enjoy.

In addition, staff encourage children to contribute their ideas, so that they feel valued and included.Staff work closely with the teachers from the three schools that the children attend. They find out information about each child from their parents or carers to help them best meet each child's individual needs.

Children play with small-world figures, using their imagination to create scenes with the figures and a doll's house. Children enjoy playing outside, practising balancing hoops and seeing which hoop travels the fastest along the path. They go on outings to a country park, where they explore the natural environment and build dens.

These activities broaden children's experiences and build on their social skills successfully. As a result, they play well together as a group and form close bonds with one another.Staff actively listen to children and praise their good behaviour and achievements.

For example, staff describe children's paintings as 'amazing' or 'beautiful', which boosts children's confidence and self-esteem.Staff receive a comprehensive induction and ongoing training, which prepares them well for working with the children. The owner, manager and staff effectively evaluate their practice together.

They look at what has worked well and what they can do to improve further. This helps them to continue to provide a good range of experiences for the children at the club.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.

Staff give safety of the children the highest priority. They ensure that children have a secure understanding of the procedures they must follow to keep themselves safe. The manager, who is also the safeguarding lead, is very proactive to ensure that staff keep their knowledge up to date through providing in-house training.

She asks questions of the staff, giving them different scenarios to check their knowledge. Staff have a good understanding of their role and responsibilities. They are aware of the signs that indicate a child may be at risk of harm and know what to do to report any concerns.

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