Allsorts Pre School

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About Allsorts Pre School

Name Allsorts Pre School
Ofsted Inspections
Address Bollington St. John’s C of E Aided Primary School, Grimshaw Lane, Bollington, MACCLESFIELD, Cheshire, SK10 5LY
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority CheshireEast
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Every moment of children's time at the pre-school is used purposefully.

Staff unfailingly implement their clear intention to give children the skills, resources and motivation to follow their own ideas. This is demonstrated when they talk with children about Mothers' Day. Some children build on their existing knowledge of sending cards.

They busily write and draw their own important messages. Staff and children explore the text and pictures in some shop-bought cards. Older children recognise the letters and sounds in the word 'mum'.

All of the children gain knowledge that Mothers' Day is a time to love and gratitude towards other people. This promotes children's positive relationships from an early age.Partnerships between the team and children's families are highly effective.

Photos posted on the pre-school's social media page are accompanied by insightful information about what the children were learning. This helps parents and carers to extend children's learning at home. The manager knows the messages that she wants to convey to parents and why.

For example, she promotes the benefits of a 'rhyme a day' for children's speech and early literacy. Staff and parents work together to develop the varied and stimulating outdoor area. Their friendly, positive relationships set a good example for children.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The pre-school curriculum is firmly underpinned by professional knowledge that the manager expertly applies and continuously adds to. Staff say that they feel inspired and supported by her. The team conveys an unmistakeable quest for excellence that has the progress and well-being of children at its heart.

The impact of their work is evident in the deep involvement and excitement that children demonstrate in their play.The manager completed training about early maths and communicated key points to staff. Staff help children to discover maths everywhere.

In role play, children estimate the time period for broken bones to heal. They use a numerical scale for gauging how loud their voices should be. They confidently measure out the ingredients for play dough.

Children hear themselves praised as mathematicians. This promotes their eagerness to keep learning.The pre-school day evolves around children's self-motivated interests and exploration.

This creates an atmosphere of happy energy. Staff are quick to spot moments when their skilful intervention will extend children's knowledge and skills. Children crossing the bridge on the climbing frame pretend to be the billy goats gruff.

They accept a member of staff's offer to read the book with them. This consolidates children's understanding of the events in the story. They gain confidence as they perform the dramatic, familiar words of the characters.

Staff's excellent knowledge of child development enables them to precisely sequence children's learning. This is demonstrated when children need sticky tape to make models. Younger children receive patient, practical help to overcome their frustrated attempts to make the tape do what they want it to.

Older children confidently demonstrate the advanced creative skills, including sewing, that they have acquired during their time at pre-school.Staff closely observe and sensitively interact with children. This helps them to identify and act on concerns about children's development.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities have individual programmes that are subject to regular review. The special educational needs coordinator accurately measures the children's progress. She makes well-informed referrals for specialist advice and support.

This means that children receive coordinated help that prepares them well for their future education.Children develop a sense of responsibility for their own actions. They know that they must think about safety as they carry tools up short ladders, to mend the shed roof.

Staff help less confident children to become independent. For example, they give children who struggle to separate from adults, little tasks to do by themselves. This helps children to build the confidence and self-esteem that promotes their academic progress and positive social skills.

Staff's trust in children to organise their own time in a resource-rich environment, promotes powerful learning. Children who find balancing difficult, seek out opportunities to practise. They find a wobble board that visibly challenges their ability to stay upright.

They keep on trying to walk all the way to the end of a low beam. The children's whole-body engagement and self-motivation is impressive. They know what they want to achieve and show a purposeful determination to succeed.

The busy buzz of play and talk in the pre-school promotes children's exceptional progress in learning to communicate. They develop a rich vocabulary. This has been a particular focus in the curriculum and staff training since the COVID-19 pandemic, when children were isolated from wider social contact.

Children who speak English as an additional language make rapid progress in learning to speak English.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

Also at this postcode
Bollington St John’s CofE Primary School Goslings Out Of School Club

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