Abbs Cross Day Nursery 4

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About Abbs Cross Day Nursery 4

Name Abbs Cross Day Nursery 4
Ofsted Inspections
Address Lowen Road, Rainham, Essex, RM13 8QD
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Havering
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Children arrive happily and separate well from parents at this friendly nursery.

They arrive eager to see their friends and engage in the activities on offer. Staff have high expectations of children including children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). Children are kind to each other and follow the rules in place.

Children are well behaved and listen to reminders from staff about waiting their turn and sharing resources. They show good levels of concentration and are familiar with well-established routines.Children have strong relationships with staff and feel safe and secure in their care.
Staff play alongside children and ensure that are all included. They check in with quieter children at regular intervals and include them in small group story time. This helps to build children's confidence and self-esteem.

Staff teach children about their feelings throughout the nursery. Children are encouraged to express themselves and describe what makes them happy, sad or angry. This encourages children to learn to self-regulate theiremotions.

Staff quickly identify gaps in children's learning and ensure that they are offered opportunities to build on their learning in a meaningful way,

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The leadership team are experienced and knowledgeable. They prioritise supporting staff's well-being and offer training opportunities in order for them to offer children the best care and education. The manager is a good role model for staff and children.

Additional staff have been recruited to allow her time to work alongside staff. This offers staff a 'hands-on' approach and an opportunity for staff to grow and develop.A well-planned curriculum is on offer to children.

Staff provide children with interesting and varied activities that are often led by children's own interests. However, during interactions, staff do not always develop children's vocabulary. For example, staff often repeat back what children have said without adding any new words that children may not have already heard.

During these times, children are not building and developing their vocabulary.Links with local schools are established. Teachers are invited into the nursery so that staff can share information about children and discuss their individual needs.

These partnerships help children to settle as they move on to school.Children with SEND are supported well. Staff quickly identify children that need additional support and work closely with the designated area coordinator to ensure that appropriate support and referrals are made.

This ensures that all children have the opportunity to learn and progress from their starting point.Staff know children well. They are warm and friendly towards children who in turn look to staff for comfort and cuddles.

Staff look at books with individual children and in small groups to ensure that they can interact with individual children. Children, particularly those that are a little quieter, responder very positively to this.Parents value the relationships that they build with staff.

They comment that staff are 'kind' and very patient with children. Parents enjoy looking at the photographs that the staff send and they feel that they know what the children are learning. Parents confidently recommend the nursery to friends and family and return to the nursery with younger children.

Children are encouraged to be independent in their self care. For example, some staff remind children about the 'nose-wiping station' and what they need to do. However, not all staff are consistent in this approach and rush to help children too quickly.

At these times, children do not develop their confidence in their own abilities. Staff support and encourage children to be well behaved and listen. They actively remind children to share resources and to wait for their turn patiently.

Children develop their physical skills in the garden. There are opportunities to climb, ride bikes and run around. Children also enjoy planting and exploring the soil in messy play.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.There is an open and positive culture around safeguarding that puts children's interests first.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: nenhance staff's understanding and practice and help children to develop a wide and varied vocabulary support staff to recognise and make better use of opportunities to help children develop their independence.

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