ABC Preschool and Extra

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About ABC Preschool and Extra

Name ABC Preschool and Extra
Ofsted Inspections
Address Swalecliffe Community Primary School, Bridgefield Road, Swalecliffe, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 2PH
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority Kent
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is good

Staff at the setting are welcoming to all children and families. They make time to update parents regularly on their children's development. Children are exceptionally happy and engaged in learning, following their own interests.

A children's committee gives the members a chance to tell adults what activities they would like to try and places they would like to visit. All children have this opportunity. Children visit parts of the local community, such as the library and the beach.

These suggestions enable children to be involved in their own learning and contributes to the high levels of well-being.The environment is ...interesting and safe. Children can move freely from indoors to outdoors.

A wooden cabin in the garden offers children a calm space to use sensory resources. This area is used by all age groups, particularly younger children who settle in very quickly. Strong relationships between staff and children help children to thrive.

Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive high levels of support. Staff work seamlessly with outside agencies, such as specialist teachers, occupational therapists and speech and language colleagues. This helps to give children the focused support that they need.

Children's behaviour is outstanding. Staff help children develop the skills they need to manage their own needs. Children ask each other for help and kindly work together.

They respect each other and staff. Children follow instructions from staff quickly and without question. Staff have high expectations for behaviour.

This has created a calm and enjoyable learning environment.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

Children are highly motivated and are very eager to join in. Within the setting, children are engaged at all times.

They politely ask if they can join in with activities and consistently keep on trying hard. For example, a child found it difficult trying to do the zip up on a coat. They kept on trying.

After a while another child came along and offered help. They worked together and then asked an adult for support.Children make good progress from starting points and are ready to move on to the next stage in their education.

Staff have created strong links with the primary school next door. They visit the school, ask staff for advice and use the school grounds with the children. At Christmas, children use the school hall for a production.

This involves all children in the setting who would like to take part, including those with additional needs. This provides children with opportunities to develop personal, social and emotional skills.Additional funding is used effectively to provide appropriate support for children with SEND, including training for staff and specialist equipment.

Staff use new skills learned to support children effectively. However, leaders could do more to robustly ensure that additional funding has been applied for, for instance funding for children from disadvantaged backgrounds.Parents speak highly of staff.

Where possible, staff visit children at home before they start at the setting. This helps children to feel safe and secure. It gives parents the opportunity to talk about the needs of their child.

Staff keep parents informed about their child's learning through an online app. Parents find this informative.A toddler group run by the setting provides children and families with their first experiences of group play.

Children with additional needs are welcomed to this group. Children settle into the setting well when they start, as they have already become familiar with the staff and the environment.Staff track children's development and make observations of their progress.

Leaders support staff carefully, providing training for those who need it. Staff promote children's learning well and model language carefully. They use simple sign language to successfully support early communication skills.

However, they do not consistently challenge children to their full potential.Managers prioritise communicating with staff. They help to promote staff's emotional well-being through regular supervisions.

Managers provide staff with training opportunities that enhance their expertise and knowledge. Staff are able to continue to develop their practice and improve their teaching and interactions with children.Support for children's healthy development is good.

Nutritious snacks are provided and children are encouraged to chop their fruits and pour their drinks independently. Children automatically go to wash their hands before attending the snack table. Staff talk enthusiastically to children about their food choices, suggesting they try different fruits.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.Staff have a good knowledge and understanding of the signs and symptoms that may indicate a child is more vulnerable to abuse. They are familiar with the procedures to follow should they have concerns about any children in their care.

All staff complete safeguarding training. The safeguarding and whistle-blowing policy clearly outlines the steps to take to seek further support. Security of the premises is monitored effectively during drop-off and collection times.

Staff are vigilant in minimising any risks to children so that the environment supports children to play safely. Staff organise regular fire drills to make sure children are aware of procedures in the event of an emergency.

What does the setting need to do to improve?

To further improve the quality of the early years provision, the provider should: make greater use of opportunities to consistently challenge and extend children's learning and development, to help them make the best possible progress nimprove the process to identify children who may be eligible for additional funding to support their learning, such as the early years pupil premium.

Also at this postcode
Stagecoach Whitstable@Swalecliffe Community Primary School Swalecliffe Community Primary School

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