ABC Day Nursery Ltd Hadley

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About ABC Day Nursery Ltd Hadley

Name ABC Day Nursery Ltd Hadley
Ofsted Inspections
Address ABC Day Nursery Ltd Hadley, Crescent Road, Telford, Shrops, TF1 5NU
Phase Childcare on Non-Domestic Premises, Full day care
Gender Mixed
Local Authority TelfordandWrekin
Highlights from Latest Inspection

What is it like to attend this early years setting?

The provision is outstanding

Staff provide children with highly exciting learning that is exceptionally well planned for and builds on what children already know and can do.

They provide a magical hive of activity where children eagerly explore throughout the day. Babies concentrate as they pour the orange-scented water from one container to another. They examine, smell and taste the real vegetables in the home corner.

During activities, staff confidently model language. They talk to children about what they are doing, helping them to fully understand language. Toddlers investigate and manipulate the coriander dough.

This helps to up strength in the tiny muscles in their hands, making them ready for pencil control later on. Under close supervision, toddlers take it in turns to climb up onto the wooden den and jump onto the bean bag. Pre-school children persevere as they explore how to open the tins of food and then scoop out the contents into bowls.

They chat together, and make their own concoctions as they mix the different ingredients together. Staff successfully develop children's knowledge of concepts such as big and small, fast and slow, full and empty. Pre-school staff manage circle time well to provide children with regular opportunities to listen intently, think deeply and escalate their knowledge to the highest possible level.

Children learn about the days of the week and the months of the year, and begin to recognise numbers, letters and words.

What does the early years setting do well and what does it need to do better?

The director is a representative of a range of local and national early years organisations. This helps to keep her astounding professional knowledge up to date and to be aware of any new guidelines and developments.

This, along with regularly seeking the views of staff, parents, children and the on-site school, helps to successfully maintain high-quality care and education for all children.Staff have attended training on the importance of an inspiring continuous provision. Consequently, the curriculum offers an extensive range of awe-inspiring learning opportunities that keep children highly engaged and motivated to learn.

There is a strong focus on providing children with exploratory experiences.Staff plan incredibly engaging and fun activities that help children to identify and fully understand their emotions. Children sit in a circle and take turns to enthusiastically sing and act out a song with a range of emotions.

Staff read specific stories to children in which characters feel and express basic emotions.The highly skilled special educational needs coordinator uses her superb expertise and enthusiasm to support children exceptionally well. She regularly liaises with external agencies to successfully coordinate targeted support and resources for children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

This means that staff are supported remarkably well to help these children achieve the best possible outcomes.Staff promote children's understanding of the natural world extremely well. Pre-school children regularly experience highly exciting, hands-on learning in a woodland environment.

They make dens, use the rope swing, climb on large logs, observe bugs and use a range of real tools with wood. Children have superb opportunities to experience challenge and manage risks for themselves.Members of the management team meticulously analyse the progress of individuals and groups of children across all areas of their learning.

They successfully identify any gaps in children's learning and swiftly put plans in place to address these.There are a range of highly effective methods in place that keep parents exceptionally well informed about their child's progress, so that they can support and extend their child's learning at home.The management team holds regular supervisory meetings with each member of staff to discuss their well-being, their teaching practice and any concerns they may have.

This ensures that staff receive focused and highly effective professional development. As a result, teaching is very successful.Children form secure emotional attachments with staff through a highly effective key-person system and settling-in procedure.

Staff use extremely successful strategies, including high-quality positive role modelling, to promote children's excellent behaviour. Children are extremely confident, behave remarkably well and show a high regard for one another. The on-site school provides an extremely nutritious and well-balanced cooked meal for children at lunchtime.

Children develop an excellent understanding of the similarities and differences between themselves and others in the local area and the wider world. For example, they sing to elderly people who enjoy a Christmas meal in the on-site school hall. Children attend the local church Remembrance Day ceremony and take their home-made poppies with them.


The arrangements for safeguarding are effective.All staff have an extremely good knowledge of the signs that may indicate that a child is at risk of abuse or neglect. They are intensely aware of the correct procedures to follow if they have any concerns about a child's welfare.

The designated safeguarding lead makes timely referrals to outside agencies when needed and keeps clear records of all contact between them. Staff meticulously check all indoor and outdoor areas to identify and minimise any possible risks to children. This, and risk assessing all outings off the premises, helps to keep children exceptionally safe and well.

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